安城華人基督教會 Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church, SBC
鑒於以上情況,我們邀請每一位教會的成員通過認捐的方法,在將來的3-5年籌備擴堂資金(認捐不包括每月一般奉獻)。雖然認捐不是一個法律合同,但它仍然是一個對教會的莊嚴承諾,旨在支持教會的使命和需要。它幫助我們的領導團隊進行財務規劃,並審核會眾對擴堂的支持。當擴堂工作進入籌劃工地的階段,花費也會隨之迅速增長。因此,跟據擴堂計劃和建築上的進度,我們提出了一些認捐目標 :
1. 截至2020年12月31日,我們希望25% 的會眾已交回認捐表,而且認捐金額達到13萬。
2. 在向市政府提交建築計劃之前(2021年5月),我們希望所有會眾能交回認捐表。
3. 截至破土動工時(2021年10月),認捐金額超過50萬。
4. 在竣工前(2022年10月),認捐金額達到80萬。
Kenneth Ho kennetho1991@gmail.com
Helios Leung heliosleung@hotmail.com
Charles Zhu zhulz48188@gmail.com
你們要先求他的國和他的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。— 太6:33
November 5, 2020
Dear brothers and sisters,
Praise the Lord. As we move ahead with the church expansion, the time has come to prepare financially for the project. Thanks to previous expansion efforts over ten years ago and the vision of brothers and sisters, we have already secured almost half of the funding for the expansion. The remaining need is about $800,000, which is roughly 3 times the annual general offering of our church. Meanwhile, the financial needs for normal church operation continues.
Therefore, in addition to the monthly general offering, we ask every one of our church family to make a pledge donation in order to raise the remaining fund over 3 to 5 years. While a pledge is not a legal contract, it is a solemn promise to our church community to support its mission and our common needs. It helps our leadership to plan financially and to gauge the congregation’s support for the expansion. As the planning work for the building moves into construction site preparation, expenses will also grow quickly. We therefore propose several pledging targets loosely coinciding with future planning and construction milestones:
1. By 12/31/2020, we hope to have 25% of our congregation return their pledge form, with at least $130K pledged.
2. By the submission of construction site plan to the City (May 2021), we hope to have 100% of congregation return their pledge form.
3. By groundbreaking (October 2021), at least $500K pledged.
4. By building completion (October 2022), $800K pledged.
Attached please find a booklet from Pastor Wong detailing the vision and rationale behind the expansion and a pledge form for your household. Please pray and decide, in addition to your regular offering, on the pledge amount and schedule, then return the form when ready. This is simply the first step of a long fundraising campaign. Many questions and decisions remain, but we trust that the Lord is with us along every step.
As I contemplate my own pledge, I remember the poor widow who donated her only remaining pennies at the temple. The Lord commended her because, although the money meager, her faith was great. Imagine what great things a congregation of “poor widows” can achieve!
Church Expansion Fundraising Committee
Kenneth Ho kennetho1991@gmail.com
Helios Leung heliosleung@hotmail.com
Charles Zhu zhulz48188@gmail.com
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. — Matt 6:33
安城華人基督教會擴堂 籌款計劃
AACCC Church Expansion Fundraising Plan
概念圖 Concept Design

外觀圖 Elevation

房間安排 Floor Plan

籌款計劃 Fundraising Plan

常見問題解答 FAQ
1. 我應當何時奉獻認捐的款項?
– 您可以在認捐當年的任何時間奉獻。
– 若您對市政府是否會批准擴堂計畫心存顧慮,可以在該計畫被批准後捐款(預計2021年中)。
1. When should I donate the pledged amount?
– You can donate at any time during the year that you have pledged.
– If you have concern about the City’s approval of the expansion plan, you can donate after the plan has been approved. (Expected to be mid 2021).
2. 我如何奉獻認捐的款項?
– 若使用支票,請在備註寫上“擴堂”。
– 若網上奉獻,請前往 http://www.aaccc.org/?page_id=11492,點擊“choose your Designation”,在下拉式功能表中選擇”Building Expansion”.
2. How do I donate the pledge amount?
– For checks, put “building expansion” in the memo.
– To donate online, go to http://www.aaccc.org/?page_id=11492. Select “building expansion” in your designation box.
3. 如果市政府不批准或者擴堂計畫終止了,我還需要奉獻認捐的款項嗎?
– 如果擴堂計畫終止了,您不必要奉獻認捐的款項。
– 但是,您仍然可以為以後的擴建自由奉獻。
3. If the City does not approve or the expansion plan is stopped, am I expected to donate the pledged amount?
– You are not obligated to donate the pledged amount if the expansion plan is stopped.
– However, you are still free to donate for future expansions.