Ministry Vision:
Based on the spirit of building up one another, Cross-Fellowship Ministry strives to increase inter-fellowship communication, cooperation and understanding through various church activities (e.g. New Year’s Eve, picnics, excursions, retreats, Sunday fellowship meals, etc.). Our ministry also balances the needs of brothers and sisters in each fellowship by helping each other. In doing this, we aim to promote unity in our church, to improve relationship among brothers and sister, and, together, to build God’s house as is written in Romans 14:19: “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.”
Areas of Ministry
1. New Year’s Eve Gala
By organizing the New Year’s Eve Gala in which all fellowships participate in the preparation of the programs, we involve all brothers and sisters to celebrate Chinese New Year together, to enjoy the warmth of family and to testify to God’s love to the Chinese community.
2. Church Picnic
We host church-wide picnics in spring and fall. Through the preparation by and participation from every fellowship, we create opportunities for church members and new friends to get to know each other as well as opportunities for different fellowships to work together.
3. Excursions
Through organizing church-wide summer excursions, including boat-rowing, cycling and barbecues, we create opportunities for brothers and sisters from different fellowships to interact with each other, as well as to welcome and to get to know new friends.
4. Church Retreat
Through the church retreat, church members from different fellowships can live in the same camp. This will enhance the connection among members and will make our church feel more like a family.
5. Sunday Fellowship Lunches:
Through a fellowship lunch after each Sunday worship, we create opportunities for brothers and sisters as well as new friends to interact and to connect with each other. These lunches also enable church members to serve together in fellowship lunch preparation.