安城華人基督教會 Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church, SBC
各人要隨本心所酌定的,不要作難,不要勉強,因為捐得樂意的人是 神所喜愛的。 神能將各樣的恩惠多多地加給你們,使你們凡事常常充足,能多行各樣善事。」(林後 9:7-8)
God loves a cheerful giver. If you are not a Christian, please do not feel obligated.
“Each person should do as he has decided in his heart — not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8 CSB)
網路奉獻有兩個方式: “Debit Card” 及 “eCheck”。這兩個途徑的差別在於網路公司所受的手續費。”eCheck”的手續費最低:
Our online offering is through two methods: “Debit Card” and “eCheck”. The difference is the fee charged. “eCheck” has the lowest fee:
Debit Card 手續費 fee = 30¢ + 2.5%.(e.g. $100 + $2.80 fee = total $102.80)
Echeck 手續費 fee = 30¢ + 0%. (e.g. $100 + $0.30 fee = total $100.30)
我們鼓勵大家使用 “eCheck” 的方式。
We encourage all to use “eCheck” method.