成聖之路(一) 靠聖靈入門,卻靠肉體成全? Sanctification (1) Began by the Spirit, Perfected by the Flesh?
證道: 成聖之路(一) 靠聖靈入門,卻靠肉體成全? Sanctification (1) Began by the Spirit, Perfected by the Flesh?
鄭頌平 弟兄
經文: 加拉太書 3:1-4 , Galatians 3:1-4
證道: 成聖之路(一) 靠聖靈入門,卻靠肉體成全? Sanctification (1) Began by the Spirit, Perfected by the Flesh?
鄭頌平 弟兄
經文: 加拉太書 3:1-4 , Galatians 3:1-4
證道: 罪的起源和本質
鄭頌平 弟兄
經文: 創2:7-9;16-17;3:1-15;22-24