

十架是我的榮耀 The Cross of Christ: My Pride and Glory

證道:十架是我的榮耀 The Cross of Christ: My Pride and Glory
經文:路加福音 24:13-35, Luke 24-13-35

17 4 月, 2022|Categories: 中文講道, 英文講道, Pastor Dennis Wong, 王壽忠 牧師|

福音的喜樂:面對死亡 The Joy of the Gospel: Facing Death

證道:福音的喜樂:面對死亡 The Joy of the Gospel: Facing Death

3 4 月, 2022|Categories: 中文講道, 英文講道, Pastor Dennis Wong, 王壽忠 牧師|

Real Religion

證道: Real Religion
Pastor Cendal Engle
經文:雅各書 1:26-27

6 3 月, 2022|Categories: 中文講道, 英文講道, Pastor Cendal Engle, Pastor Cendal Engle|

一切的豐盛 The Fullness of Christ

證道:一切的豐盛 The Fullness of Christ

6 2 月, 2022|Categories: 中文講道, 英文講道, Pastor Dennis Wong, 王壽忠 牧師|

Be Doers of the Word

證道:Be Doers of the Word
Pastor Cendal Engle
經文:雅各書 1:19-25, James 1:19-25

2 1 月, 2022|Categories: 中文講道, 英文講道, Pastor Cendal Engle, Pastor Cendal Engle|

Listen Up

證道:Listen Up
Pastor Cendal Engle
經文:申命記 6: 4-9, Deuteronomy 6:4-9

5 12 月, 2021|Categories: 中文講道, 英文講道, Pastor Cendal Engle, Pastor Cendal Engle|