What is Our Body For? 我们的身子是为什么?
證道:What is Our Body For? 我们的身子是为什么?
經文:1 Cor 6:9-20
Jesus is Risen
證道:Jesus is Risen
Pastor Cendal Engle
經文:Matthew 28:1-20
約拿知道 Jonah Knew
證道:約拿知道 Jonah Knew
經文:約拿書 4:1-11
如何活在末世中 How to Live in the last days?
證道:如何活在末世中 How to Live in the last days?
經文:2 Timothy 3
Contend for the Faith (II)
證道:Contend for the Faith (II)
Pastor Cendal Engle
經文:Jude 1:17-25
Contend for the Faith
證道:Contend for the Faith
Pastor Cendal Engle
經文:Jude 1:1-4