


證道主題: 耶稣,世界的真光

Rev. Nathan Eda

經文: 神是光,在他裡面毫無黑暗;這就是我們從他那裡聽見,現在傳給你們的信息。約翰一書:1:5

1. 光源:耶稣

2. 信息:
• 认识上帝

• 爱他人

James 5:19~20

Do not boast about tomorrow

Do not boast about tomorrow

Pastor Nathan Eda

Text: James 4:13-17

Walk humbly, talk humbly

Walk humbly, talk humbly

Pastor Nathan Eda

Text: James 4:10-12

Youth Congregation

Youth Congregation

Pastor Nathan Eda

Text: James 4

James 4:1~4

Wisdom that comes from heaven

Wisdom that comes from heaven

Pastor Nathan Eda

Text: James 3:13-18

Dangers of the tongue

– Dangers of the tongue

– James 3:5~9

Pastor Nathan Eda

Youth service

It Is Finished

It Is Finished

Pastor Nathan Eda

Sermon Text: Romans 8: 31-39