Do not boast about tomorrow
Do not boast about tomorrow
Pastor Nathan Eda
Text: James 4:13-17
Do not boast about tomorrow
Pastor Nathan Eda
Text: James 4:13-17
Walk humbly, talk humbly
Pastor Nathan Eda
Text: James 4:10-12
Characteristics of Genuine Repentance
Pastor Nathan Eda
Text: James 4:7-10
Main Proposition: Genuine believers exhibit characteristics such as submission to God, resisting the devil, drawing near to God, purifying their hearts, and humility.
1 The characteristics of genuine believers.
a They Submit to God.
b They resist the devil.
c They draw near to God.
d They purify their hearts.
e. They exhibit humility.
2 The result of exhibiting genuine characteristics.
a God draws close to us.
b We are exalted.
c We have a future reward.
Youth Congregation
Pastor Nathan Eda
Text: James 4
滿有基督長成的身量 (一)– 僕人領袖的生命
鄭頌平 弟兄
(A) 前言:
(B) 僕人領袖的生命:
1. 僕人領袖的真裡:誰願為首,就必作眾人的僕人 (可10:35-45):
2. 僕人領袖的榜樣:你們也當彼此洗腳 (約13:1-5;12-17):
3. 僕人領袖的實踐:神所設立的權柄架構 (林前11:3,西3:18-23;4:1):
(C) 總結:
James 4:1~4
Pastor Nathan Eda
Wisdom that comes from heaven
Pastor Nathan Eda
Text: James 3:13-18
– Dangers of the tongue
– James 3:5~9
Pastor Nathan Eda
Youth service
Pastor Nathan Eda
Missions in Taiwan
Pastor Steve Calmes